Once a Speaker, Now a REALTOR®, Always a Teacher

It’s rather ironic really…how I ended up going full circle to become a REALTOR®.

I am the daughter of 2 successful REALTORS® who became a 1st grade teacher, who became a business owner who became a teacher and speaker to REALTORS®, who has since sold her company and become a REALTOR® who teaches her clients about real estate, and many other things as a good REALTOR® does.

My parents, Cindy and Joel Engel, have been doing things their way…and very successfully for 30 years. I hate to say they’re “old-school”…so we’ll call them “traditional”. But honestly, there is something very honest and true about what makes them traditional in their approach to real estate. They love what they do, their integrity is evident, and their enthusiasm and care for their clients is unparalleled. The way they do business is also the way they have grown and succeeded in being top producers year after year.

So when I stepped in, I was eager to bring my “new-school” strategies with me.  I started at ground zero with a new logo, new branding (or enhanced rather), a new website, and a marketing plan and budget. Along the way I have layered in additional strategies and tools that bring value to our business and more importantly, value to our clients. One of those tools has been RPR, the Realtors Property Resource.

DISCLAIMER: My husband, Reggie Nicolay, just happens to be the VP of Marketing and Social Media for RPR. He is also the business manager for the new RPR mobile app. So it should be no surprise then that I asked and was granted with beta-testing access.

Now that we have that out of the way, I think it’s also important to know I would never use a technology tool or resource in my business if I didn’t have a use for it. So as a speaker/teacher I definitely noticed potential for RPR. But now as a busy REALTOR®…I see more than potential, I see results.

I have found myself utilizing RPR at both the desktop and mobile levels time and again. I initially started using the reports to go above and beyond at my open houses, but quickly learned my buyers appreciated the depth and breadth of information I was able to provide to them on-demand. So I am excited and honored to travel to New Orleans this week to speak at the National Association of REALTORS® Annual Convention.

THE SESSION: Impressing Clients and Closing Deals…Anytime, Anywhere with RPR

This will be a tag-team event as I speak alongside Reggie. I’m excited to share 6 specific experiences where using RPR greatly assisted me in my business, as well as provided valuable information to my clients. Reggie will drive the slides showing you how to use RPR features in the same way I have and continue doing so.

So if you’re curious as to how RPR can enhance and improve your listing appointments, open houses, experience working with buyers, previewing and showings…then you won’t want to miss our session!

You will not only learn more about a great tool for your business, you’ll get access to a resource that gives you the power to better educate and inform your clients…anytime, anywhere.

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